Topological Versatility of Oxalate-Based Compounds:
Synthesis, Properties and Oxide-Related Usage
December 2020
The Joint European Magnetic Symposia 2020 (JEMS2020) December 7-11 2020.
Virtual Conference
The results of our project are presented as a poster presentation:
Pavla Šenjug, Lidija Kanižaj, Dario Barišić, Krešimir Molčanov, Marijana Jurić, Damir Pajić
December 2020
New equipment is purchased.
Potentiostat / Galvanostat / Impedance Analyzer
FRA / EIS: 10 μHz up to 1 MHz
9 current ranges: 100 pA to 10 mA
Bluetooth or USB connection

December 2020
Our new paper in
Inorganic Chemistry is out!
November 2020
PhD student joined our team!
In the scope of “Young Researchers’ Career Development Project” financed by Croatian Science Foundation Ana Lozančić joined our group as PhD student. Ana welcome!!
November 2020
Our new paper in Materials is out!

June 2020
New equipment is purchased.
Analytical balance (120g, 0.1 mg), Sartorius(Quintix)
Ultrasonic baths, Sonorex Super RK 100H, Bandelin
Hydrothermal reactors (4 pieces, 30, 40 and 50 ml), Vacutech
Magnetic hotplate stirrer (2 pieces), IKA
May 2020
The work our Lidija did has been acknowledged by
"For Women in Science" Award.
Bravo Lidija!
The national scholarship programme “For Women in Science”, implemented by L’Oreal Adria and the Croatian UNESCO Committee within the Ministry of Culture, published the names of four recipients of the 2020 scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to young female scientists who contributed to science and the creation of “knowledge society”. We are extremely delighted that our Lidija Kanižaj, mentored by Dr Marijana Jurić, got this prestigious award!
Congratulation Lidija!!